
Papers Submissions
  • Participation in the Congress with papers presentation is optional.

    Rules for Papers Submission


    1. New Approaches to Mental Health;

    2. Collective MH care strategies;

    3. Alternative practices to medicalization;

    4. Hear voices on CAPSi;

    5. Hear Voices.

    The 13th World Online Congress of the Hearing Voices accepts submissions of scientific works, through this form of registration, only in the mode Presentation in Poster format.


    Each participant can present up to 2 (work), but it can be as
    co-author on other works.

    The deadline for works submission is until 09/14/2022;

    The opinion will be sent until 10/05/2022,
    in the e-mail of the author who sent the work.

    The file(s) with the abstract(s) and authorship identification must be forwarded. Maximum number of 5 authors.

    The objective is to discuss relevant topics in the field of mental health and good practices in mental health in order to stimulate debates and stimulate the exchange of experiences among participants.

    The format of the works (abstract) should be as follows:
    Abstract: the abstract must consist of a single paragraph of text.
    Abstract Formatting: Size: between 1500 to 2500 characters (including spaces between words). The title does not count in the number of characters.

    Line spacing: 1; font: Times New Roman, 12 points; A4 page size; margins: top and left with 3 cm and bottom and right with 2 cm. Keywords: maximum of three; title of the work: capital letters, centered and bold; name(s) of author(s): uppercase/lowercase letters, right-aligned and bold (below the title).


    - WORD and PDF

    Summary Template:

    Only abstracts that follow the attached template will be accepted.

    The format of the Poster has the following characteristics:

    The Poster Format (structure and dimensions): width (90 cm) and height (120 cm).

    The organization should follow: title of the work; author(s); institution; research group and funding agency, if any; Thematic axis to which it is linked, bibliographic references. It is recommended that the poster be made with string to be hung.

    Poster presentation: the authors are responsible for delivering their posters to the stands intended for each participant at the place and day of the presentation session - according to the event's schedule -, as well as for their removal.

    During the poster presentation session, it is necessary for at least one of the authors to be present to respond to the interested public and make their integration with the group of authors who participate in this session in the institutional stands.

    The approved works will be published in the Program of the congress with the ISBN seal. All authors and co-authors with approved papers receive the paper presentation certificate. For the work to be published in the proceedings and receive the certificate, at least one author is required to be registered in the congress.

    Important for Submission it is not necessary to send the Poster, only the abstract of the work.


    For abstract submission, just access the registration link on Doity. For abstract submission:
  • IMPORTANT: Submissions of works in Portuguese and English will be accepted. The submission of work(s) can be done before registration/payment at the Symposium. The works will have their evaluation published until October 05, 2022, so that the authors of accepted works will have until September 26, 2022 to effect payment/registration at the event.

Call and Paper Submission Schedule
07/26/2022 - Start of registration and paper submissions
09/14/2022 - Closing of paper submissions
Until 10/05/2022 - Publication of the evaluation of the papers
Until 10/25/2022 – Publication of electronic proceedings with the publication of accepted papers​

Note: If registration is not made until 09/26/2022, the paper, even if accepted, will not be published in the electronic proceedings and will not be presented in Thematic Discussion Groups.